
The inspection has started. Should I be represented?

I found a notification in my e-mail box about the start of the tax audit. What does this mean for me and my company?

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kurzarbeit na Slovensku

Kurzarbeit is replacement of contribution First Aid for employers

Kurzarbeit - The Part-Time Support Act is a permanent tool for helping employers.

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New rule limiting the amount of interest expenses included in tax expenditures

A draft law is being prepared, which should amend Act no. 595/2003 Coll.

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New OECD Transfer Pricing Directive

At the end of January 2022, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a new

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Financial administration questionnaire on transactions with dependent persons

Update: The Office for Selected Economic Entities has extended the deadline for sending a questionnaire on transactio

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Change in the First Aid project for December 2021 - Measure 3B

The Government of the Slovak Republic approved a change in the conditions for supporting the maintenance of employmen

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Subsidies for payment of lease are again available

From 17 December 2021, the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic again launched the subsidies for payment of lea

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Program First aid continues in November and December 2021

The Government of the Slovak Republic has approved a change in the conditions for supporting the maintenance of emplo

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Advancement in the digitalization of accounting

At the beginning of November 2021, the National Council of the Slovak Republic approved an amendment to the Accountin

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Notification of the bank accounts to the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic

The new

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Entrepreneurs, do not forget your obligations!

We have informed you about the amendment to th

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Lunches for a child aged 6 to 15 "free" and a tax bonus for a child from 1.8.2021

Dear parents,

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