Tip of the week: Employers’ obligation to announce vacant job positions

Since 1st January 2019, the amendment to Act No 5/2004 Coll. on Employment Services has been in effect. Every employer is obliged to announce their vacant job positions, including their characteristics, to the respective Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family operating in the district where a particular vacant job position is located.

Employers will be regarded to have this obligation fulfilled upon:

  • announcing their vacant job positions in person, by phone, or via an e-mail, in particular by completing the form titled Report on Vacant Job Positions, (in Slovak: Nahláška voľných pracovných miest) which you may download from www.upsvr.gov.sk , or
  • free-of-charge publishing their vacant job positions at  www.istp.sk portal operated by the Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, or
  • publishing their vacant job positions at  www.profesia.sk or www.kariera.sk portals.

The respective Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family may charge an employer’s failure to announce their vacant job position with the penalty in the maximum amount of EUR 300.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information. We will be happy to advise you and provide assistance.

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