Change in the amount of the meal allowance from September 1, 2022

On August 6, 2022, a measure of the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family was published. Based on this, the amounts of food allowances for business trips will be increased from September 1, 2022, as follows:

  • business trip 5-12 hours         in the amount of EUR 6.40 (basic amount of food allowance)
  • business trip 12-18 hours       in the amount of EUR 9.60
  • business trip over 18 hours    in the amount of EUR 14.50

The quantities used in the application of §152 of the Labor Code (meals for employees) are derived from the basic amount of the meal allowance of EUR 6.40 and apply to the following quantities:

  • the minimum meal allowance is 75% of the amount of EUR 6.40 = EUR 4.80 (1 meal ticket or 1 meal credit)
  • the employer's minimum contribution to meals is 55% of the sum of EUR 4.80 Eur = EUR 2.64
  • the employer's maximum contribution to meals is 55% of the sum of EUR 6.40 = EUR 3.52

These values also apply in the case of financial contribution for meals.

Employers are obliged to incorporate the above-mentioned change into the internal directive, which regulates the conditions of meals for employees.

If you are interested in changing or creating an internal directive, do not hesitate to contact us.

Our specialists in the field of payroll as well as labor law are ready to help you.


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