Minimum wage amounts for the year 2023
In accordance with § 7 of Act no. 663/2007 Coll. on the minimum wage, based on the agreement of employee representatives and employer representatives, the amount of the monthly minimum wage was determined for the year 2023 in the amount of:
- EUR 700 per month at a monthly salary
- EUR 4,023 per month at an hourly wage (also applies to contractors)
From the current 646 euros, the minimum wage (valid in 2022 for the 1st degree of labor intensity) will increase by 54 euros in 2023, which represents an 8% increase. Employees with the minimum wage will thus receive approx. 563 euros in net, which will be an increase of almost 38 euros compared to 2022.
The government should no longer intervene in the amount of the minimum wage for 2023, since, according to the Minimum Wage Act, it respects the agreement of employers and trade unions on the amount of the minimum wage.
As for the surcharges for working on weekends and for working at night, there is no change for 2023. From 2021, these are fixed, not tied to the minimum wage.
Due to the increase in the minimum wage in 2023, only holiday and overtime bonuses will increase, as they are tied to the employee's average hourly wage.