Current changes in the Labor Code in connection with the ongoing emergency situation in the territory of the Slovak Republic

Despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic has ended and most of the measures that were taken by the Slovak Republic to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic on the business environment, due to the duration of the emergency situation, the amendment to Act No. 311/2001 Coll. (hereinafter referred to as the "Labour Code").

Changes to the Labor Code effective from 04/04/2020:

In our article, we informed you about significant changes in the Labor Code, which relate to the period when a state of emergency, state of emergency or state of emergency is declared on the territory of the Slovak Republic, as well as the period of two months after their revocation.

Amendment to the Labor Code effective from 17.06.2020:

From the effectiveness of this amendment to the Labor Code, which concerns the possibility of extending employment relationships for a fixed period. Employment relationships that cannot be renegotiated or extended for a fixed period, as they exceed the legal limit for duration/re-negotiation for a fixed period, can be extended under the following conditions:

  1. the employment relationship must be extended or renegotiated during an extraordinary state of emergency or a state of emergency or within a maximum of two months after their revocation;
  2. extension or renegotiation for a fixed period is possible at most once and for a maximum of one year;
  3. the employer must discuss the extension or renegotiation with the employee representatives, if they work for him, otherwise the employment relationship is considered to be concluded for an indefinite period.

If you need advice on this issue, contact our experts.


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