Financial Contributions increased and extended till end of June!

The Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family responds to the current development of the epidemiological situation and decided to continue the implementation of the project "First Aid" to maintain jobs for employers and self-employed until the end of June 2021.

An important change, which expands the circle of eligible persons, is the setting of a new date for the recruitment of employees, for which employers can apply for a contribution, until 1st of February 2021. SZČO, which started their business activities by the stated date, inclusive, can also draw the contribution.

As part of the changes to the First Aid project, there will be an increase in the amounts of aid provided from the eligible period of February 2021.

For measures no. 1 and no. 3A, the allowance is increased to 100% of the total price of the work calculated from the compensation of wages paid to the employee for obstacles to work on the part of the employer, with a possible maximum contribution of up to EUR 1 100 per employee.

For measure no. 3B, the maximum possible amount of the contribution will be increased to 100% of the total price of the employee's work and at the same time, together with measure no. 2 will increase the contributions according to the decrease in sales, which will be extended to 7 categories in the amount of 330 EUR to 870 EUR.

For measures no. 4A and 4B (self-employed without social insurance and single-person s.r.o.) the contribution will be increased to EUR 360.

Remember that if you draw a contribution from the First Aid project, THIS obligation also applies to you!

We are constantly monitoring the situation related to government measures in connection with the coronavirus. If you need more information about the state's assistance in drawing contributions to maintain employment, do not hesitate to contact our specialists and write us your question at You can find other useful information on our website, where we have created a special section with up-to-date information related with the corona crisis. Follow us also on Facebook and LinkedIne.

we will help you find your way around the possibilities of drawing contributions.

Contact us. 

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