celoeuropsky dochodkovy produkt

Pan-European personal pension product

Non-taxable part, but also taxation of benefits. Let's look together at the tax side of the "European pension".

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Do you own an unmaintained building? Pay your attention!

The National Council of the Slovak Republic approved the amendment to Act No. 582/2004 Coll.

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Is the employee entitled to reimbursement of increased costs in connection with the home office at his employer?

Over the last period, the term "homeoffice" has become more and more common in our country, i.e.

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How to prepare for voluntary VAT registration?

Do you want your company to become a VAT payer, but you have not yet exceeded the statutory turnover or have you not

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Rights of the audited tax entity during the tax audit

We deal with the topic of tax audit quite often in our articles.

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New guideline should make archiving of document easier

In recent years, companies have become increasingly interested in archiving accounting documents in electronic form.

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Deferment of tax payment and authorization of installments

Had it ever happened to you that the tax you had to pay suddenly posed a problem for your company and its payment wou

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Taxation of accommodation for temporary refugee

Amendment to Act no. 92/2022 Coll.

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Tax reliability index - what to do if you do not agree with it

You may have received an email notification into your mailbox about Your Individual Tax Reliability Index or your com

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Humanitarian aid and VAT

These days we experience a great willingness to help our eastern neighbors, who find thems

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The inspection has started. Should I be represented?

I found a notification in my e-mail box about the start of the tax audit. What does this mean for me and my company?

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New rule limiting the amount of interest expenses included in tax expenditures

A draft law is being prepared, which should amend Act no. 595/2003 Coll.

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