CLA Global

VGD Slovakia officially joins CLA Global

Since July 1, 2023, VGD Slovakia has become an independent member company of CLA Global Limited (CLA Global), a leadi

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tax change

Proposed changes to the Income Tax Act and the Tax Code

Transfer pricing revolution?

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How to prepare for voluntary VAT registration?

Do you want your company to become a VAT payer, but you have not yet exceeded the statutory turnover or have you not

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Rights of the audited tax entity during the tax audit

We deal with the topic of tax audit quite often in our articles.

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New guideline should make archiving of document easier

In recent years, companies have become increasingly interested in archiving accounting documents in electronic form.

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New rule limiting the amount of interest expenses included in tax expenditures

A draft law is being prepared, which should amend Act no. 595/2003 Coll.

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New OECD Transfer Pricing Directive

At the end of January 2022, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a new

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Notification of the bank accounts to the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic

The new

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Tax reliability index effective from 2022 and other proposed changes

The government bill, which amends the Tax Code

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Lunches for a child aged 6 to 15 "free" and a tax bonus for a child from 1.8.2021

Dear parents,

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Saldokonto will now be more efficient

The project Saldokonto helps to find out the status of the personal acco

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3 tips on how to proceed if there are doubts during the tax audit

Based on our

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