Tip of the week: Notification of category of work 2

This year, employers are also expected to report to the Public Health Authority on behalf of employees in category 2.

The deadline for fulfilling the legal obligation was postponed to 28 February 2020. The employer fills in the electronic form on the website www.uvzsr.sk or www.slovensko.sk.

Form for UVZSR contains:

- categorization of staff,

- working environment factors,

- Statistical classification of occupations SK ISCO-08.

If the employer does not know the categorization of work and factors of the working environment, he can choose the Occupational Health Service to perform the categorization in accordance with the legislation on health protection at work.

In addition to the categorization of employees, it is necessary to consider the factors of the working environment, which are 15:

Noise, vibration, electromagnetic field, infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, lasers, ionizing radiation, increased air pressure, chemical factors, carcinogenic and mutagenic substances, biological factors, heat load, cold load, physical load, psychological load.

Each profession (position) of an employee must be assigned a 7-digit statistical code SK ISCO-08 in the employer's payroll software - the database is available at https://isco.klasifikacia.sk/

Notification of category 2 work refers to the situation as of 31/12/2019, if the employer did not have employees performing category 2 work on that day, the obligation to notify does not apply to it.

If the employer fails to meet this obligation within the set deadline, he/she commits an administrative offense in the field of public health. The employer faces a fine of between 150 and 20 000 EUR.

At VGD, we will be happy to help you with any issue you may have (not only) on this issue. For more information, please click on our website, Facebook or Linked-In.

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