7 useful digital tools for our clients at the time of empty offices

In recent days, measure against coronavirus has emptied many offices and many companies was forced to change drastically the way of operation…

And it’s also our case. We also had to adapt to the current situation and in this process we realize that the gradual digitization of last few years has helped us a lot. More or less, we only had to move our work chairs to the home environment, but all the key tools and documents we didn’t need to move. They stayed in the company and we access them remotely.

Therefore, we decided to give you some examples of digital tools which help us to work remotely. At the same time, we believe that they will also be useful for you, our clients, in organizing your operations outside the office.


  1. VGD Customer Portal (Tulip platform)


  1. Digital Invoice Archive - invoices need only be sent to a specified email address from where they are automatically processed and uploaded to the digital web archive not only as image files, but including all date and value attributes that increase search visibility and speed. This archive allows us to implement client-side approval processes as well as fast posting and smooth transfer to accounting without unnecessary duplication.
  2. Common storage for sharing any documents - web application for saving documents accessible to both the client's employees and accountants. All we need is one copy of a document and we can give necessary access to everyone who needs to work with it (instead of moving and forwarding documents by e-mail and storing them in different places).
  3. Managed system of collection of documents for payroll processing and handover of processed payroll outputs extented by multi-level approval tools that can be adapted to client processes.
  4. Digital Archive of Contracts - all contracts in one place, available to authorized users with tracking of contractual parties, validity of contracts and linking contractual amendments to the main contract.
  5. Ordering system with the possibility of a wide set of approval processes - consistent control over the company's expenses before ordering goods and services and their link to the received invoices.
  6. Reports, Tax returns and Outputs - an archive of all processing outputs clearly stored in one secure place and arranged for quick retrieval of information when it’s needed. Access is managed so only authorized persons have access to sensitive information.


  1. Tailor-made reports available via web or mobile application and directly linked to accounting data (Power BI platform)

Your company's accounting records store valuable information for managing your business and maintaining control over your organization's processes.

Using the Power BI platform from Microsoft, we have developed online reports for our own needs, directlyconnected to accounting data. The reports give us a detailed overview of the accounting results, a detailed controlling tool, reporting of key performance indicators and budget control.

Based on the analysis of your information needs, we can prepare a set of reports for you as well. This will be directly linked to your accounting data and will provide key information to you or your employees in a simple and friendly form without the need for any installed application, directly via PC web browser or mobile app.

If you are not using any of the tools mentioned above and you feel  that it would be useful to you in the current situation, do not hesitate to contact our experts and ask them for help with implementation of these tools. We work for you from home. And so can you. For more information, visit our website, facebook page or Linked-In profile.

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