Current procedure for OCR and PN due to coronavirus

The changes connected with the coronavirus pandemic has an impact also on the OCR and PN. Here is a brief overview of how to claim a nursing benefit or how to treat the administration associated with these measures.

The parent of a child until 11 years of age (10 years + 364 days) was currently able to claim nursing benefit from 16.03.2020 to 29.03.2020, ie. 14 calendar days.

If the state of emergency persists after this deadline, the parent of a child until 11 years of age does not have to re-apply for nursing from 30.03.2020, as the Social Insurance Agency will do so automatically, without the application.

However, if another parent would like to claim nursing benefit, he/she must submit a new application for nursing. If parents need to be replaced within the OČR, they can do so at the latest after 10 days, and they must notify the Social Insurance Agency of their commencement of employment at the latest by the end of the calendar month.

If the need for treatment lasts longer than 10 days, the employer is obligated by the form “Registration form of natural person - interruption”, to interrupt compulsory sickness insurance, compulsory pension insurance and compulsory unemployment insurance from the 11th day of the need of treatment child. For the duration of the nursing period of more than 10 days due to coronavirus, such parents will not be interrupted by compulsory social insurance and the employer is not obliged to send to the Social Insurance Company the “Registration of a natural person (RLFO) - interruption”.

Persons who are on a temporary PN due to a coronavirus do not need to send a PN Card or visit a doctor to the Social Insurance Agency. The certificate of duration of the temporary PN is delivered to the Social Insurance Agency by the attending physician.

For other persons who are not recognized temporarily PN for coronavirus (but due to a different diagnosis), it remains the case that they have to hand over this “Temporary PN” card issued to them by the doctor.

If you need advice on the above, we will be happy to provide you with more information. Do not hesitate to contact our experts. More about our services can be found on our website, Facebook or Linked-In.

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