The first aid continues by connecting to the COVID automat

From 1 July 2021, the setting of the state aid scheme for maintaining employment within the First Aid project, which is provided by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family, is changing. From this date, the First Aid will be connected to the COVID vending machine, which means that the amount of aid provided will depend on the current epidemiological situation.
Once the conditions to be determined by the provider of this state aid in accordance with the COVID machine have been met, it will be possible to apply for a contribution to maintain employment until the end of 2021.

The aid scheme will be divided into the following phases:


Pre zjednodušenie systému vyplácania príspevkov sa schéma pomoci bude nastavovať na celý kalendárny mesiac. Pre určenie fázy Prvej pomoci bude rozhodujúci počet dní v danom stupni. V prípade rovnakého počtu dní v mesiaci sa použije výhodnejší model prvej pomoci. Medzimesačný prechod medzi jednotlivými fázami bude možný najviac o dve fázy.

Príklady určovania typu a výšky poskytovanej pomoci:


The type and amount of assistance provided for individual eligible periods from July to December 2021 will be published directly by the state aid provider on its website


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