CLA Global

VGD Slovakia officially joins CLA Global

Since July 1, 2023, VGD Slovakia has become an independent member company of CLA Global Limited (CLA Global), a leadi

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Do not overlook the proposed changes in the area of transfer pricing

We recently informed about the changes the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic proposes to introduce in the ar

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tax change

Proposed changes to the Income Tax Act and the Tax Code

Transfer pricing revolution?

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danova kontrola transferove ocenovanie

Trends in transfer pricing tax audits

In the past, we informed you, that in addition to large multinational companies, transfer pricing is also gaining pop

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Rights of the audited tax entity during the tax audit

We deal with the topic of tax audit quite often in our articles.

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New guideline should make archiving of document easier

In recent years, companies have become increasingly interested in archiving accounting documents in electronic form.

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The inspection has started. Should I be represented?

I found a notification in my e-mail box about the start of the tax audit. What does this mean for me and my company?

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New OECD Transfer Pricing Directive

At the end of January 2022, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a new

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Notification of the bank accounts to the Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic

The new

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Tax reliability index effective from 2022 and other proposed changes

The government bill, which amends the Tax Code

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Lunches for a child aged 6 to 15 "free" and a tax bonus for a child from 1.8.2021

Dear parents,

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Saldokonto will now be more efficient

The project Saldokonto helps to find out the status of the personal acco

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