
Tip of the week: Meal voucher or financial payment - does the employer have a choice?

The current possibi

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5 steps to prepare for a tax audit without stress

Maybe some of you k

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Is a "home-office" a reason to suspend tax control?

Have you heard abou

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How to proceed when the tax audit is inactive?

Do you have a tax audit and the auditors are idle for a long time?

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Tip of the week: Don’t forget the changes in the Commercial Code and the Commercial Register Act!

At the end of last

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Postponement of deferred premiums! When is the new date?

During the first wave of the pandemic, the Social Insurance Agency offer

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Impact of the amendment to the Commercial Register Act on organizational units

Following a series

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Forget about paper documents, at VGD we do digital accounting!

Real-time data and more efficiency

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International Accounting Day!

Did you know that November 10 belongs to all accountants?

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Tip of the week: Filing tax returns during a lockdown

Pandemic measures affect many areas. One of them is the tax liability.

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Rights and obligations of employees and employers in relation to national COVID-19 testing

In recent weeks, Slovakia has been hit by the second wave of the pandemi

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Improved „First Aid“ measure

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