danovy bonus na dieta

CHILD TAX BONUS from 1 July 2022

Employers and employees will soon face fundamental changes in the application of the tax bonus for dependent child.

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dopady zaokruhlovania platieb

Do you know the tax and accounting consequences of mandatory rounding of cash payments?

With effect from 1 July 2022, there is mandatory rounding of cash payments, when the price paid in cash is rounded to

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danova kontrola transferove ocenovanie

Trends in transfer pricing tax audits

In the past, we informed you, that in addition to large multinational companies, transfer pricing is also gaining pop

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2 weeks of paid leave for fathers as well - paternity leave from 1 October 2022

An amendment to the Labor Code (Coll. No.

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odklad splatnosti poistneho

Deadlines for deferment of social insurance premium payment

At the time of the worsening pandemic situation, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved the postponement of t

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zmeny nemocenske poistenie jun2022

Changes in health insurance from June 2022

We draw your attention to the following legislative changes:

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Current changes in the Labor Code in connection with the ongoing emergency situation in the territory of the Slovak Republic

Despite the fact that the coronavirus pandemic has ended and most of the measures that were taken by the Slovak Repub

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A new method of tax optimization for employees - what conditions must be met?

With effect from 1 January 2022, tax legislation in accordance with § 5 par.

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celoeuropsky dochodkovy produkt

Pan-European personal pension product

Non-taxable part, but also taxation of benefits. Let's look together at the tax side of the "European pension".

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Do you own an unmaintained building? Pay your attention!

The National Council of the Slovak Republic approved the amendment to Act No. 582/2004 Coll.

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Is the employee entitled to reimbursement of increased costs in connection with the home office at his employer?

Over the last period, the term "homeoffice" has become more and more common in our country, i.e.

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Electronic sick leave is coming

On the part of the Social Insurance Agency, there is a change in the process of electronization, which introduces ele

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